January has 31 days and April has 30 days, so that is a total of 61 days.
96 days.
January = 31 days February = 28 days March = 31 days April = 30 days May = 31 days June = 30 days From the 1st January to the 4th July inclusive is 185 days.
April in 2011 had 30 days.
April 1996 had 30 days.
Scientifically, their are 3 days.
As today is January 13, there are 89 days until April 12.
From the beginning of January 2012 to the 30th of April 2012 is 121 days. 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 = 121
96 days.
As of today, 3rd January there are 92 days until April 5th, inclusive.
102 days or 103 days in a leap year.
90 days
Assuming you mean the 29th of January 2011, it is 90 days.
From the 9th of January 2010 to the 1st of April 2010 was 82 days.
As today is January 11, 2010 there are 87 days until April 8, 2010.
Those dates are 111 days apart.
100 days in a normal year. 101 days in a leap year.