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This is a kind of trick question.

In a closed static system containing fluid, pressure is equal everywhere. This is called the Law of Pascal.

One can use this principle to lift a car with a finger. Fill a tank with water and have a car float on a platform. Now make a hole in the tank and connect a tube to it. By preventing the tube to leak, you have to apply a certain pressure, which may be smaller than 1 bar. If you increase the pressure, either by hand or possibly by blowing the tube, you can lift the car. Not so much with a short tube, but more with a long tube. The higher pressure in the tube will push the water back in the tank and cause the water in the tank to rise with the car on top of it.

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Newton is not a unit of pressure. Atmospheric pressure (ATM), bar, and millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) are common units of pressure.

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