One mile is 1.60934 kilometres. So 350 miles is 563.27 kilometres.
what is the greatest possible error of 350mi
The answer depends on whether the measurements were to the nearest whole number or the nearest ten (or something else.
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 350mi, (563km), and will take approximately 5 hours 15 minutes of driving time.
Answer=4 3/8
The driving distance from Peoria, IL, USA to Kansas City, MO, USA is 350mi / 564.3km
How many km are there in 480m?
France is 640,679 km^2 Italy is 60,795,612 km^2
The distance between the start location and the destination is 350mi, (563km), and will take approximately 5 hours 29 minutes of driving time.
2635 miles into how many km
1 km.
3860.8 km
.45 km