The radius of the earth is estimated to be somewhere between 6,353 km and 6,384 km.
40,075 km
Yes, that is the approximate speed of Earth, as it goes around the Sun. The exact speed depends on whether Earth is at periapsis or apapsis, but 30 km/sec. is a good approximation.Yes, that is the approximate speed of Earth, as it goes around the Sun. The exact speed depends on whether Earth is at periapsis or apapsis, but 30 km/sec. is a good approximation.Yes, that is the approximate speed of Earth, as it goes around the Sun. The exact speed depends on whether Earth is at periapsis or apapsis, but 30 km/sec. is a good approximation.Yes, that is the approximate speed of Earth, as it goes around the Sun. The exact speed depends on whether Earth is at periapsis or apapsis, but 30 km/sec. is a good approximation.
The surface of the earth has an area of approx 510.1 million sq km → 510.1 million km² ÷ 4.9 million km² ≈ 104.1 times.
An astronomical unit is the average distance from the Sun to the Earth; about 150,000,000 km.
The length of Earth's equator is about 38,622 kilometres.
An average of 57,909,050 km from Earth.
The distance between the Moon and the Earth varies from around 356,400 km to 406,700 km at the extreme closest point and the farthest point.
the earth radious is 3,959 miles (6,371 km) wide
108,000 km/h
There are two planets closer to the sun than the Earth: Venus and Mercury. Earth orbits at around 150,000,000 km from the sun. Venus is at 105,000,000 km and Mercury is at around 60,000,000 km.
The radius of the earth is estimated to be somewhere between 6,353 km and 6,384 km.
Usually orbiting Earth, that is, in an orbit around Earth, but fairly close to Earth - a few 100 km. distance from Earth's surface, at most.Usually orbiting Earth, that is, in an orbit around Earth, but fairly close to Earth - a few 100 km. distance from Earth's surface, at most.Usually orbiting Earth, that is, in an orbit around Earth, but fairly close to Earth - a few 100 km. distance from Earth's surface, at most.Usually orbiting Earth, that is, in an orbit around Earth, but fairly close to Earth - a few 100 km. distance from Earth's surface, at most.
Circumference of Earth is about 40,074 km at the equator.
The Earth is rotating around its axis at approximately 1,674.4 km/h The Earth is revolving around the Sun at approximately 107,218 km/h The Earth and the Sun are travelling around the galactic core at around 828,000 km/h
It is difficult to quantify how many Mars planets equal one Earth due to the vast differences in size and composition between the two planets. However, it is estimated that it would take around 6.5 Mars planets to equal the mass of Earth.