40,075 km
The circumference of the world is 40000 km and a can is 11cm long then: there are 9091 cans per km and about 364 million cans to stretch around the world.
The world circumnavigation is 21,600 nautical miles (40,000 km) in length, measured by the equator.
About 40,000 km.
Around 290 km from Zagreb to Sarajevo
It ranges from around 4.44 billion km to around 7.38 billion km, averaging 5.91 billion km.
It's around 400 km from Edmonton to Jasper.
About 6,241,871.32 square km and falling.
Earth's surface area is 510.07 million km²
400 km
Around 450k.
It depends on which part of London and Birmingham but around 200 km.