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Q: How many leap years will you have in a 30 year time frame?
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How many days are there in 5 years?

depending on whether or not there are 1 or two leap years within the time frame. For instance year # / leap? 1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 yes 5 no OR 1 no 2 no 3 yes 4 no 5 no If there are two leap years then 1,827 If there is one leap year then 1826 365 days in a normal year, 366 in a leap year

How many years does a leap year come?

There are 4 years between every leap year. Correction: There are 4 years between MOST leap years. That's the case 99.25% of the time. For the other 0.75% of the time, there are 8 years between leap years.

How many leap years are there in a leap year?

A leap year is singular--it only occurs ONE time and ONLY in that year. (One) Leap Year occurs every 4 years.

How many days are in 248 years?

Depending on what day you start it can vary from 90580-90582 days. We have a leap year every 4 years except on years that are divisible by 100 like the year 1900 for example, but years that are divisible by 400 we have a leap year like the year 2000 for example. So i factored in that and came up with the answer.

How many days are there in a millennium if there are 250 leap years during that time?


How many second in 13years?

The exact answer depends on the number of leap years in a 13-year span. These can be 3 or 4. Also, there are leap seconds added from time to time. But, assuming 3 leap years, the number of seconds is 410,227,200 seconds.

How many days are there in 87 years including leap years?

It depends on when you start - whether in a leap year or not, whether your time span includes a xy00 year or not. So there is no simple answer.

How many days are in 2010 years?

About 734,152 days, but it would depend on exactly what years you are measuring, as that would affect how many leap years there are in that time.

How many days are there in eleven years?

Not counting leap years, it's just 11*365 = 4015. But there could be 1, 2, or 3 leap years in that time, each of which would increase the value by one.

How many hours in ten years?

87648 hours, or 87672 depending on if there are 2 or 3 leap years during the period of time.

How many days are in 12months?

Most of the time there are 365 days in 12 months, but in leap years there are 366.


The winter Olympics are never held during a leap year, they occur mostly in February of even-numbered non leap years. The summer Olympics occur in leap years (most of the time), with the exception of century years like 1900 and 2100, which are not leap years.