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Q: How many license plates can be made using two letters followed by two numbers followed by one letter?
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How many numbers has a postcode?

There are up to 3 numbers and up to 5 letters in a UK postcode. One or two letters, followed by one or two digits OR one digit and a letter, followed by a space, followed by one digit, followed by two letters.

What do variables look like in arithmetic?

In arithmetic, letters used to represent unknown numbers are called variables. Variables are usually represented by letters (x, y, z) or (a, b, c), or may be followed by subscript numbers or letters. If you are here for apex the answer is boxes

What is the probability of getting a license plate that has a repeated letter or digit if you live in a state that has two letters followed by three numerals followed by two letters?

I don't know how to get past this point but the probability of having a letter appear more than once is: 98176/456796 = 21.4% The likelihood of a digit appearing more than once is: 280/1000=28% If they need to be consecutive to count then the letters would be: 50726/456796 = 11.1% The numbers would be: 100/1000 = 10% I don't know how to combine these probabilities properly so I'll leave that to you to figure out or for someone else to improve on.

How many license plate combinations if there are two numbers one letter two numbers one letter?

4435236.. I think

What is the probability of getting a license plate that has a repeated letter or digit if you live in a state that has three numerals followed by two letters followed by three numerals?

This is one minus the probability of having no repeated letters. The probability of having no repeated numbers is 10/10 x 9/10 x 8/10 x 7/10 x 6/10 x 5/10 which equals 0.1512. The probability of having no repeated letters is 26/26 x 25/26 = 0.96153846153846153846153846153846 These multiplied together gives 0.14538461538461538461538461538462 1 minus this is 0.85461538461538461538461538461538 And so the probability of having a repeater letter or digit is roughly 0.855

Related questions

How do you distinguish the number 0 for the lettter O on a license plate?

Letters on a license plate are put together on one side, and numbers as well on the other side. So you can say it is a letter O if it is followed by a letter, and it is a zero if it is followed by a number. Moreover, number is smaller, while the letter is more rounded.

How many numbers has a postcode?

There are up to 3 numbers and up to 5 letters in a UK postcode. One or two letters, followed by one or two digits OR one digit and a letter, followed by a space, followed by one digit, followed by two letters.

How many numbers letters in limo license?

one letter the rest numbers,its a commercial plate

How many license plates can be made using either three digits followed by three letters or three letters followed by three digits?

35,152,000 (assuming that 000 is a valid number, and that no letter combinations are disallowed for offensive connotations.) Also, no letters are disallowed because of possible confusion between letters and numbers eg 0 and O.

How many 3 letter combinations are there in license plates?

In California, for example, the first digit of a standard plate is a number, followed by 3 letters, and then three numbers. There are 26 letters in the alphabet, so there are 26 raised to the 3rd power combinations, or 26 * 26 * 26, which is 17,576 possibilities just of the 3 letters.

How many license plates are possible consisting of 4 letters followed by 3 digit if the first letter must be a C?


What is the probability of getting a license plate with a repeated letter or digit if you live in a state that has a 3 letters followed by 2 numbers?

The number of license plates without a repeated letter or digit is 26x25x24x10x9 = 1 404 000. The number of license plates without any restriction is 26x26x26x10x10 = 1 757 600. Probability of a license plate without a repeated letter or digit = 1 404 000 /1 757 600 = 0.7988 Probability of a license plate with a repeated letter or digit = 1-0.7988 = 0.2022

What is the letter after z?

There are only 26 letters in the English language alphabet:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'w' is the 23rd letter, followed by the 24th, 'x'.Other languages have different numbers of letters in their alphabets.

What do variables look like in arithmetic?

In arithmetic, letters used to represent unknown numbers are called variables. Variables are usually represented by letters (x, y, z) or (a, b, c), or may be followed by subscript numbers or letters. If you are here for apex the answer is boxes

How many different license plates exist if each license plate contains 3 letters and 4 numbers and all four numbers are even?

384,475,000 license plates. There are 35 different letter/number combinations possible. Each combination has 10,985,000 variants. 35*10,985,000 = 384,475,000

How are UK National Insurance numbers created?

UK N.I. numbers are issued to UK born children soon after the birth has been registered. It is comprised of two letters followed by six numbers followed by another letter. Co will look something like AB 12 34 56 C

How many license plate combinations from 3 digits followed by 3 letters?

There are 26 different letters that can be chosen for each letter. There are 10 different numbers that can be chosen for each number. Since each of the numbers/digits that can be chosen for each of the six "spots" are independent events, we can multiply these combinations using the multiplicative rule of probability.combinations = (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) = 10 * 10 * 10 * 26 * 26 * 26 = 103 * 263 = 1000 * 17576 = 17,576,000 different combinations.