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Q: How many license plate combinations if there are two numbers one letter two numbers one letter?
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What do the numbers on a licence plate represent?

The numbers in the license plate differ from country or state in the way they are represented. for example in the UK, they represent the age identifiers and the local memory tags.

How many possible license plate numbers can be made from 1 numerical digit followed by 3 letters followed by 3 numerical digits?

each of the four numbers have 10 possibilities, and each of the three letters have 26 possibilities. so the total possible ways u can arrange them are 10x10x10x10x26x26x26 this totals up to 175,760,000 different license plate numbers

How many license plates are in a Californian sequence for example 1aaa001-1zzz999?

If I understand correctly the first number has to be '1', the next three digits have to be letters, and the last digit can't be '0', so there are1x26x26x26x10x10x9 = 15,818,400 possible Californian licence plate combinations.

How can you create a license plate that consists of two letters followed by three digits The letters cannot repeat but the digits may How many such license plate codes can be formed?

If the license plate code consists of (letter-1)(letter-2)(digit-1)(digit-2)(digit-3), and the letters may not repeat, and the digits may repeat, then: There are 26 choices for (letter-1, and for each of those ... there are 25 choices for (letter-2), and for each of those ... there are 10 choices for (digit-1), and for each of those ... there are 10 choices for (digit-2), and for each of those ... there are 10 choices for (digit-3). The total number of choices is: (26 x 25 x 10 x 10 x 10) = 650 x 1,000 = 650,000

Can you have less than 7 digits on a license plate?

Different countries have different rules for licence plate formats. The question does not specify a region for which you wish to know about the licence plate.

Related questions

How many different license plates exist if each license plate contains 3 letters and 4 numbers and all four numbers are even?

384,475,000 license plates. There are 35 different letter/number combinations possible. Each combination has 10,985,000 variants. 35*10,985,000 = 384,475,000

How many possible combinations could be constructed using 3 letters and 3 numbers for a license plate?

26x26x26x10x10x10 = 17,576,000

How many numbers letters in limo license?

one letter the rest numbers,its a commercial plate

How many combinations are there for a license plate that has 3 numbers from 0 -9 and 2 letters from A-Z?

Using the extended fundamental counting principle, you multiply the total number of options in each space together. There are 10 possible numbers for each of the three number spots, so you would do 10x10x10=1,000. Multiply this by 26 and 26 again for all the possible letters that can go in each letter spot: 1,000x26x26=676,000 So you have 676,000 possible license plate combinations.

How many numbers can you have on a license plate?

A license plate can fit up to 7 characters, but it varies from state-to-state exactly how many are on a license plate. For instance, California uses all seven characters. For a standard automobile, non-company car the succession of characters is: number, letter, letter, letter, number, number, number.

How do you get a stalker's license plate?

reverse search license plate numbers or talk to the police.

How many 3 letter combinations are there in license plates?

In California, for example, the first digit of a standard plate is a number, followed by 3 letters, and then three numbers. There are 26 letters in the alphabet, so there are 26 raised to the 3rd power combinations, or 26 * 26 * 26, which is 17,576 possibilities just of the 3 letters.

How many numbers are on a license plate?


How do you find an old license plate number?

It is not possible to find old license plate numbers. The numbers are not public information. If it was your own license plate, you may be able to find it out from your auto insurance carrier, who may still have it on file.

What is the probability of getting a license plate with a repeated letter or digit if you live in a state that has a 3 letters followed by 2 numbers?

The number of license plates without a repeated letter or digit is 26x25x24x10x9 = 1 404 000. The number of license plates without any restriction is 26x26x26x10x10 = 1 757 600. Probability of a license plate without a repeated letter or digit = 1 404 000 /1 757 600 = 0.7988 Probability of a license plate with a repeated letter or digit = 1-0.7988 = 0.2022

How many numbers or letters can a license plate have?


How do you distinguish the number 0 for the lettter O on a license plate?

Letters on a license plate are put together on one side, and numbers as well on the other side. So you can say it is a letter O if it is followed by a letter, and it is a zero if it is followed by a number. Moreover, number is smaller, while the letter is more rounded.