An acre is a measure of area. 1 acre = 4046.9 m2 = 43560 [ft2].
One linear foot is a measure of length.
You cannot convert a linear feet to an acre, which is equal to (208.7 ft)^2.
360 degrees
There are four syllables. West - Vir-gin-ia.
There are 6 syllables. On-o-mat-o-poe-ia.
Auxiliary has four (4) syllables. Aux-il-ia-ry
The most precise and mathematical answer is the IA stands for I Answered.
In southern Iowa it goes anywhere from 2300 a acre to 4700+ a acre for tillable
5.741 feet.
sq feet (square feet) is a measurement of an area cubic feet ia ameasurement of a volume. The two can not be converted to each other
Washington, Iowa is approximately around 663 feet above sea level.
The answer is 2178 ft2 (cent ia unit of area from India).
73 miles taking I-29 SOUTH.
It is 308 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 67.99 miles according to MapQuest.
15x9 = 135 squared feet
The distance is 73 miles via US-30.