A linear foot is a measure of length or distance while a square foot is a measure of area. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
37.5 square feet.
1 acre is 43,560 square feet, 200 acres is 8,712,000 square feet
200 square feet
As stated the question has no numerical answer. There are 200 linear fee of a 1 foot wide strip, 400 linear feet of a 6-inch wide strip, 800 linear feet of a 3-inch wide strip, etc. The formula is L = S x W where L=# of linear feet, S=#of square feet, and W=the reciprocal of the strip width in feet.
200 linear feet equals how many square meters
The answer is undefinable. Linear feet is a measurement of just one axis; square feet is a measurement of the x and y axis. If you have 200 linear feet you would multiply the width of the material or area to determine the square feet.
37.5 square feet.
There is no difference. 200 ft IS 200 linear feet.
200 square feet.
200*100 = 20000 square feet
200 square inches are 1.39 square feet.
22.22 square yards in 200 square feet.
200' x 200' (40,000 square feet) = 4,444.44 square yards.
200 square feet = 18.58 square meters.