As stated the question has no numerical answer.
There are 200 linear fee of a 1 foot wide strip, 400 linear feet of a 6-inch wide strip, 800 linear feet of a 3-inch wide strip, etc.
The formula is L = S x W where L=# of linear feet, S=#of square feet, and W=the reciprocal of the strip width in feet.
None. 200 square metres is a measure of area - in 2-dimensional space. A length is a measure in 1-dimensional space. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
1000 feet
7 feet by 23 feet.
2.5m is how many feet
60m2 how many feet
Divide by (0.3048x0.3048)
None. 200 square metres is a measure of area - in 2-dimensional space. A length is a measure in 1-dimensional space. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
how many feet are in 46 feet x60 feet
1000 feet
how many square feet in 25 feet by 6 feet
7 feet by 23 feet.
2.5m is how many feet
60m2 how many feet
3660mm = how many feet
How many acres are 310 feet * 630 feet
5 feet = 1 yard, 2 feet
it will cover 3 cubic feet, or 9 feet, I am not sure how many square feet