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4*3/2 = 6 lines.

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Q: How many lines are determined by coplanar points a b c and d?
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Points a b c and d are coplanar b c and d are collinear not a how many lines are determined by a b c and d?

5 its 4

How many straight lines can be formed with 3 collinear points?

only 1 lines can contain 3 collinear points. Maybe you mean coplanar?

How many different ways can coplanar lines intersect?

Coplanar lines can intersect an infinite amount of times.

How many lines are determined by A B and C?

Three lines are determined by three points unless the points are all on the same line ( i.e. co-linear)

How many line can be drawn through them if the points are none coplanar?

depend how many points are them

How many lines are determined by 13 points no 3 of which are collinear?

There are 13*12/2 = 78 lines.

If points S O and N are collinear how many lines do they determined?


How many different lines are determined by three non-collinear points?


How many angles can be made by 3 coplanar points?


Points A B and C are collinear How many lines are determined by A B and C?

# 1

How many non coplanar line determine a space?

3 non-coplanar (pairwise) lines for 3 dimensional space.

How many different lines are determined by two points?

In classical or Euclidean plane geometry two points defines exactly one line. On a sphere two points can define infinitely many lines only one of which will represent the shortest distance between the points. On other curved surfaces, or in non-Euclidean geometries, the number of lines determined by two points can vary. Even in the Euclidean plane, two points determine infinitely many lines that are not straight!