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Three lines are determined by three points unless the points are all on the same line ( i.e. co-linear)

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Q: How many lines are determined by A B and C?
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How many lines are determined by coplanar points a b c and d?

4*3/2 = 6 lines.

What would be the lines of a b and c?

It depends very much on what a, b and c are.

Can four lines have seven intersection points?

No. In plane geometry, two lines can intersect at at most one point. This means that for n points, the maximum number of intersections is limited by the number of pairs of lines. For lines a,b,c,d, there are six pairs: (a,b), (a,c), (a,d), (b,c), (b,d), (c,d). So four lines can have at most six intersections.

Find the distance between lines y plus mx plus c and y equals mx plus b?

y = mx + c y = mx + b We see that the lines have the same slope m. If the lines have slopes with the same sign, then the lines are parallel. Soppose that the slope is positive, m > 0. Case 1: If c > 0, b> 0, and c > b, or c < 0, b < 0, and c < b, then we have to work in the same way to find the distance between lines, which is also the same distance. Let work for the first possibility where c > 0, b > 0, and c > b. If we draw the lines, we see that from the interception of the lines with x and y-coordinate axis, are formed two similar right triangles on the second quadrant. The bigger triangle vertices are (0, c), (0, 0), and (-c, 0) The midpoint of the hypotenuse is (-c/2, c/2). The distance between the origin and the midpoint is (c√2)/2. √[(-c/2)2 + (c/2)2] = √(c2/4 + c2/4) = √ (2c2/4) = (c√2)/2 The smaller triangle vertices are (0, b), (0, 0), and (-b, 0) The midpoint of the hypotenuse is (-b/2, b/2). The distance between the origin and the midpoint is (b√2)/2. √[(-b/2)2 + (b/2)2] = √(b2/4 + b2/4) = √ (2b2/4) = (b√2)/2 The distance between the lines is (√2)/2)(c - b). (c√2)/2 - (b√2)/2 = (√2)/2)(c - b) Case 2: If c > 0, b< 0 or c < 0, b > 0. If we draw the lines, we see that from the interception of the lines with x and y-coordinate axis are formed two similar right triangles on the second and fourth quadrant. In this case the distance between lines is (√2)/2)(c + b). If the slope is negative for both lines, then we find the same result as above, but the formed right triangles are in the first and third quadrant. If the lines have slopes with different sign, then the lines intersect.

How many different lines can be drawn if each line contains at least two of these points a b c d e?

10 lines, but only if no three of them are collinear.

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If points A, B, and C are not on the same line, they determine a single plane.

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exactly one and only one.

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It depends very much on what a, b and c are.

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Can four lines have seven intersection points?

No. In plane geometry, two lines can intersect at at most one point. This means that for n points, the maximum number of intersections is limited by the number of pairs of lines. For lines a,b,c,d, there are six pairs: (a,b), (a,c), (a,d), (b,c), (b,d), (c,d). So four lines can have at most six intersections.