

How many lines intersect 3 dots?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: How many lines intersect 3 dots?
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A triangle? Three lines that intersect in three points.

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In space with 3 or more dimensions, there are infinitely many pairs of lines that are not parallel and do not intersect.

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There is an infinite number of lines.

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Concurrent lines

How do you sketch 3 lines that intersect in 3 points?

A triangle.

Connect the dots with only 3 lines?

Send in the dots. We're ready.

What are Lines that are not parallel and will never intersect?

They are asymptote lines in which as a curve gets closer and closer to them they will never intersect with each other.

How many intersects are there for 4 lines?

Maximum 12 intersections are there! You can simply use the formula: No. of intersections = n(n-1)/2 [where 'n' is the number of lines] This is derived as each new line can intersect (at most) all the previously drawn lines. There if there is: 1 line => 0 intersections 2 lines => 1 intersection 3 lines => 3 intersections [1 that was there + 2 by the new line can intersect both the previous lines.] 4 lines => 6 intersections [3 that were already there + 3 because the new line can intersect all the 3 lines that were present previously.]

Can 3 lines intersect at only 1 point?

Assuming that the none of the lines are parallel, they can intersect (pairwise) at three points. Otherwise, the question is tautological.

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How many common points for intersection of four lines?

- If you're working on a single sheet of paper (2-D), then you can draw four lines that intersect in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 points. - If in 3-D space, then you can also draw four lines that don't intersect at all.