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Q: How many lines must a long quote consist of to be indented?
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If the post script is two lines long should it be indented?

It is not necessary to indent a two-line postscript. Postscripts are typically aligned with the left margin of the page, regardless of their length.

What is a block quote and how do you identify it in a paper?

A block quote is a lengthy quotation that is set off from the main text by being indented from the left margin. Typically, block quotes are used when quoting more than four lines of text. You can identify a block quote in a paper by looking for the large indentation and no quotation marks around the quoted text.

How many inches from the left margin are long quotations indented?

Long quotations in a paper are typically indented 0.5 inches from the left margin.

What is a long quatation?

A long quotation is a passage from a source that is more than four lines long in MLA format. It is formatted differently from a short quotation, with the entire passage indented and without quotation marks.

I know that when writing a research paper and using a long quote the quote is indented 1o times or hit 'tab' twice but is the whole quote like that or just the beginning?

Usually the whole quotation is in a block of text that is indented. If you are using a word processing program like Word, you probably have an indent key that will indent all selected text. (You shouldn't try to indent each line because the word wrap feature will throw it off.)

When would a writer use a block quotation in someones paper?

A writer would use a block quotation in someone's paper when quoting a passage that is longer than four lines of text. Block quotations are typically used to highlight important or impactful sections of text that deserve more emphasis than a regular in-text quotation. They are set apart from the main text by being indented and usually not enclosed by quotation marks.

How do you know that you have to offset the quote from the rest of the text even if its four lines long?

Any quote longer than about one line should be typed as separate paragraph and offset, etc.

What are four types of Quotation format?

Block Quotation: Used for long passages, typically indented and separated from the main text. In-text Quotation: Briefly citing a source within the text of a document. Parenthetical Quotation: Including the author's name and publication year in parentheses within the text. Hanging Indent Quotation: Formatting where the first line is aligned to the left margin and subsequent lines are indented for each reference entry.

Can use the sed command to remove unwanted lines of text?

Yes, the 'sed' command is designed for that purpose (among other reasons, of course). As long as you know what the unwanted lines consist of you can create a search pattern to match it. Then, have sed delete the line by not copying it to the output stream.

What does extended quotation mean?

Extended quotation refers to a quote that is longer than a typical short quotation, usually spanning multiple lines or paragraphs of text. It is used to extract and convey a significant amount of information or detail from a source without altering its original wording.

Do you put the name of a poem in quotation marks?

The name of any important work of literature is usually set in quotation marks to show the importance of the subject. The same rule applies to book titles, movie/film titles, song titles, literary titles and basically anything with a title that has been written by someone else.

When you get a car insurance quote how long is the quote good for?

The quote is good for as long as the policy is. For example, if you have a one year policy then it would be good for one year.