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If we label them A B C D E, then A is already connected to B & E, so

A-C, A-D: 2, Then B to D & E: 2, Then C to E (already to A): 1, then D is already connected to all of them, so 2 + 2 + 1 = 5, and you have a 5 pointed star.

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Q: How many lines needed to connect corners in a pentagon?
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How many lines are needed to connect one corner with each other corner in a regular pentagon?

5 straight lines are needed to construct a pentagon.

In a regular pentagon how many lines are needed to connect each corner with every other corner?


How do you draw the shape called pentagon?

Connect five lines together

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Why does a star have five lines of symmetry?

A geometric star with five lines of symmetry is made by connecting the corners of an equal length sided pentagon. Since the pentagon has five equal sides, each line connecting the vertices (corners) will also be equal in length. Not equal however, to the sides of the pentagon. It is also called a pentagram.It is also a polygon.

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Vertices are points (corners) and edges are lines that connect vertices

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A pentagon has no parallel lines.

How many lines of symmetry is there in a pentagon?

There are 5 lines of symmetry in a regular pentagon but a less amount in a irregular Pentagon

How many diagonals with a three side figure?

Diagonals connect corners of a figure. If you try to connect two corners of a three sided figure, the lines you draw will exactly mimic the sides of the figure. Because of this, a three sided figure has no diagonals.