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only one.You see i learned this at school.

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Q: How many lines of semmetry does a tripizium have?
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How many lines of semmetry does the letter N have?

it has none

How many axes of semmetry has an isosceles triangle?

The answer is one because two of the sides in an isosceles triangle are the same. If this is true, then only the line bisecting down in-between these two lines can be an axis of symmetry.

What is the semmetry of a crayfish?

Bilateral Symmetry

How many axes of symmetry in equilateral triangle?

threethere are 3 axes of semmetry in a equilateeral triangle

What are lines of semmetry?

If you canfold something in half and the two sides are identical then the fold is a line of symmetry. A circle has an infinite lines of symmetry because you can fold it in infinite places and it will always be the same. An oval has two - you can fold it the long way or the short way.

Does a circle have a line of semmetry?

Yes a star has one line of symmetry

What is a semmetry?

There is no such word. This is a probably a mis-spelling either of "symmetry" or of "cementery".

How would you describe the symmetry of flatworms?

semmetry is all kingdoms, classifiction, and phylums

What insect has a line of semmetry threw it?

One that I know for sure has one is the ant, but I think most insects do.

How many lines does a ballad have?

it does not matter how many lines

How many lines does a ballad?

it does not matter how many lines