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Yes a star has one line of symmetry

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Q: Does a circle have a line of semmetry?
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What insect has a line of semmetry threw it?

One that I know for sure has one is the ant, but I think most insects do.

What are lines of semmetry?

If you canfold something in half and the two sides are identical then the fold is a line of symmetry. A circle has an infinite lines of symmetry because you can fold it in infinite places and it will always be the same. An oval has two - you can fold it the long way or the short way.

What is the semmetry of a crayfish?

Bilateral Symmetry

How many lines semmetry does a ellipse have?


How many lines of semmetry does the letter N have?

it has none

What is a line through a circle that does not go through the center?

A line through a circle that does not go through the center of the circle is a secant line. A line through a circle that does go through the center is still a secant line, by the way. Compare this to a line segment that has its two endpoints on the circumference of the circle. That line segment is a cord of the circle. If that cord of the circle passes through the center of the circle, then the cord is a diameter of that circle.

What did the line say to the circle?

get off of me i'm a circle not a circle with a line through it

What is a line through a circle called?

A line that goes through a circle is a secant line. (Remember that a line is infinitely long.) Anyline that passes through a circle is a secant line, whether it passes through the center of the circle or not. Compare this to a line segment with endpoints on the circumference of a circle. That segment is called a cord of that circle. If the cord of a circle passes through the center of that circle, it is a diameter of that circle, which is the longest cord of the circle.

What is a line that goes through a circle?

A line that goes through a circle is a secant line. (Remember that a line is infinitely long.) Anyline that passes through a circle is a secant line, whether it passes through the center of the circle or not. Compare this to a line segment with endpoints on the circumference of a circle. That segment is called a cord of that circle. If the cord of a circle passes through the center of that circle, it is a diameter of that circle, which is the longest cord of the circle.

What is the Tangent Line to Circle Theorem?

The Tangent Line to Circle Theorem states that a line is tangent to a circle if and only if it's perpendicular to the circle's radius.

What is a line that goes through a circle from top to bottom?

A line that goes through a circle is a secant line. (Remember that a line is infinitely long.) Anyline that passes through a circle is a secant line, whether it passes through the center of the circle or not. Compare this to a line segment with endpoints on the circumference of a circle. That segment is called a chord of that circle. If the chord of a circle passes through the center of that circle, it is a diameter of that circle, which is the longest chord of the circle.

What is the straight line through the center of a circle called?

A line that goes through a circle is a secant line. (Remember that a line is infinitely long.) Anyline that passes through a circle is a secant line, whether it passes through the center of the circle or not. Compare this to a line segment with endpoints on the circumference of a circle. That segment is called a cord of that circle. If the cord of a circle passes through the center of that circle, it is a diameter of that circle, which is the longest cord of the circle.