in lower case, none. if it's a capital letter it has one right down the middle.
0 or 1, depending on the font.
NONE * * * * * The correct answer is none in some fonts, one in others.
only 1 becuz only M word in math can have a line of symetry otherwise none other word can have a line of symetry
M w h
It has 1 line of symmetry through its vertical center
0 or 1, depending on the font.
There are many animals that have the same type of symmetry as the letter M. A frog for example has this.
Of the capital letters M, O, E, and X, -- M and E each have one line of symmetry, -- X has two lines of symmetry, or four if the cross lines were printed perpendicular, as they are in some fonts, -- O has an infinite number of lines of symmetry. My answer is justified by my firm conviction that it's correct.
NONE * * * * * The correct answer is none in some fonts, one in others.
only 1 becuz only M word in math can have a line of symetry otherwise none other word can have a line of symetry
A, C, D, E, K, M, T, V, W, Y
Order 1. That is, no rotational symmetry.
It has one vertical line of symmetry through its middle