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Just one - horizontal. Don't know where the other two are meant to be.

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Q: How many lines of symmetry does the letter E have?
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How many lines of reflection symmetry does the letter E have?


How many lines of symmetry does the word taxes have?

None, since the letter "e" does not have any symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry does a letter E have?

Only one.

How many lines of symmetry can be formed using the letter E?


How many lines of symmetry dose the capital letter e have?

only 1

How many lines of symmetry are there in a capital letter E?

In a capital latter E, there is only 1 line of symmetry horizontally accros the middle.

How many lines of symmetry does e have?

"e" does not have a line of symmetry. :D

How many lines of symmetry does the letter 'M' and 'E' have?

0 or 1, depending on the font.

Does the letter E have lines of symmetry?

yup horizontally

How many letters below have exactly two lines of symmetry a b c d e f g h you j k l?

If you are using lower case letters, the only letter with exactly two lines of symmetry (out of a b c d e f g h y o u j k l) is l.c and k have one line of symmetry.o has many, many lines of symmetry.H has two lines of symmetry (but lowercase h has none).A B D E Y and U all have one line of symmetry.

How many of rotational symmetry does capital letter E have?


Which letters have more than one of the line symmetry justify your answer and write about each letter M O E X?

Of the capital letters M, O, E, and X, -- M and E each have one line of symmetry, -- X has two lines of symmetry, or four if the cross lines were printed perpendicular, as they are in some fonts, -- O has an infinite number of lines of symmetry. My answer is justified by my firm conviction that it's correct.