The word "ANGEL" has 0 lines of symmetry. In order for a word to have a line of symmetry, it must be the same when folded along that line. When you try to fold the word "ANGEL" along any possible line, it will not match up perfectly on both sides, therefore it has no lines of symmetry.
The word "symmetry" has three syllables.
There are 3 syllables in the word symmetry.
There is no such word as a dectagon. And since it could refer to an octagon or a decagon (or possibly something else), it is not possible to give a sensible answer. Please correct your spelling and resubmit the question.Assuming that the question is meant to be about some polygon, it need not have any lines of symmetry.
only 1 becuz only M word in math can have a line of symetry otherwise none other word can have a line of symetry
There is no such word as a "hepticgon". A heptagon can have 0, 1 or 7 lines of symmetry.
The word "ANGEL" has 0 lines of symmetry. In order for a word to have a line of symmetry, it must be the same when folded along that line. When you try to fold the word "ANGEL" along any possible line, it will not match up perfectly on both sides, therefore it has no lines of symmetry.
The word "symmetry" has three syllables.
The circle had infinite lines of symmetry.
Symmetry has three syllables.
There are 3 syllables in the word symmetry.
There is no such word as a dectagon. And since it could refer to an octagon or a decagon (or possibly something else), it is not possible to give a sensible answer. Please correct your spelling and resubmit the question.Assuming that the question is meant to be about some polygon, it need not have any lines of symmetry.
only 1 becuz only M word in math can have a line of symetry otherwise none other word can have a line of symetry
The definition of the word "scalene" is a triangle having three sides of different lengths.The mathematical definition of "symmetry" is an exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line/plane.Therefore, by definition, no lines of symmetry exist in a scalene triangle.
"Lines of symmetry are a difficult concept for some geometry students." "There was a certain symmetry to his view of good and evil." "The symmetry in the car's design made it very striking in appearance, but it made it hard to tell the front from the rear."
The letters "A" and "E" in the word "apple" have lines of symmetry. A line of symmetry is a line that divides a shape or letter into two equal parts that are mirror images of each other. In the case of the letter "A," it has a vertical line of symmetry down the center, while the letter "E" has a horizontal line of symmetry through the middle.
Just 1.