Close, but actually 1.34,000,000,000,000,000,000. 1.34 Quintillion litres. {US and modern britain} Please see:
No you would measure it in kilos, because its mass and volume are too great to measure in liters alone.
0.5175 liters.
There are many liters that can make up a pound. This really just depends on what the liters consist of.
3 liters
0.04436 liters.
There are about 4 liters of water in the world.
there are 1.3 sextillon liters or 343 billion billion gallons of water
Volume of pacific ocean is 1.4*10^20
Yes, in Norse mythology, Thor once drank from a horn that was connected to the ocean, but he did not drink the entire ocean.
Each person can get 1.5 liters from 6 liters, which is equal to 1500 ml.
There are 4 liters in 4 liters.
.480 liters
?? 2.31 liters!
1.5 liters.
1.23 liters
10 liters.
the entire ocean doesnt freez... just close to the surface... and certain animals can adapt to many harsh environments