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Close, but actually 1.34,000,000,000,000,000,000. 1.34 Quintillion litres. {US and modern britain} Please see:

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Q: How many liters in the entire ocean?
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How many square miles of ocean in world?

There are about 4 liters of water in the world.

How many gallons does the ocean have?

there are 1.3 sextillon liters or 343 billion billion gallons of water

What is the volume of the Pacific Ocean in liters?

Volume of pacific ocean is 1.4*10^20

Did Thor drink the entire ocean in Norse mythology?

Yes, in Norse mythology, Thor once drank from a horn that was connected to the ocean, but he did not drink the entire ocean.

How many ml can 4 people get from 6 liters?

Each person can get 1.5 liters from 6 liters, which is equal to 1500 ml.

How many liters is 4 liters?

There are 4 liters in 4 liters.

How many liters are 480m liters?

.480 liters

How many liters are in 2.31 liters?

?? 2.31 liters!

How many liters are there in 1.5 liters?

1.5 liters.

How many liters is 1.23 liters?

1.23 liters

How many liters is in ten liters?

10 liters.

Why does an aquatic animal survive in an ocean even during extreme weathers like when the ocean is frozen?

the entire ocean doesnt freez... just close to the surface... and certain animals can adapt to many harsh environments