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Q: How many mathematicians are there in the world?
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Are there any world-famous Filipino mathematicians. give examples please?

Yes we have many famous filipino mathematicians like:Dr.raymundo Acosta Favila,Alejandro Melchor,and Bienvenido F.Nebres

Who are the five famous mathematicians in world?

"The" five mathematicians? There surely are much more than five.

How many pages does Mathematicians in Love have?

Mathematicians in Love has 364 pages.

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How many mathematicians were there?

This question doesnt make sense. There were litterally hundreds of mathematicians throughout history.

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Who were the other mathematicians who made contribution in mathematics?

There are many mathematicians who made contributes in mathematics but one is Sophie Germain.

Euclid is considered one of the greater what in all of world history?


Who are mathematicians?

Mathematicians are people who are 'experts' at Math.

Who are the world's greatest Mathematicians?

There are hundreds of mathematicians, from all over the world, at the highest level who have made contributions to all areas of mathematics. To list them all together would be exceedingly difficult. However, further information can be via the related links.