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Q: Who are the mathematicians who contributed in the world of geometry?
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Mathematicians in geometry?

Yes. There were mathematicians who were in geometry. In fact, anyone who contributed to our understanding of geometry was a mathematician.

What are 4 mathematicians contribute in geometry?

Four great mathematicians who contributed to geometry are Pythagoras, Euclid, Rene Descartes and Bernhard Riemann. Pythagoras contributed the Pythagorean theorem. Euclid's geometrical works helped develop geometry in many ways. Descartes contributed Cartesian Geometry. Riemann's contribution can be seen in the form of Riemannian Geometry.

Who are the mathematicians that contributed to the development of Geometry?

Euclid Rene Descartes Pythagoras Blaise Pascal Archimedes Bernhard Riemann

Great mathematicians who contributed the study of geometry?

Leonhard Euler ,Gaspard Monge ,Jean-Victor Poncelet , Jakob Steiner

Who figured out he basic laws of geometry?

Geometry, unlike science, doesn't really have laws, it has theorems, and many different mathematicians contributed to the creation of the basic theorems of geometry. Perhaps the best known is Pythagoras.

Did Muslim mathematicians introduce geometry to the world?

Geometry has been understood long before any contemporary religion.

There are only two types of geometry that mathematicians study?

FALSEthere are 4 types of geometry mathematicians study.

What do you call the people who contributed the world of geometry?


Contributions of the mathematician to geometry?

Mathematicians do proof in order to solve Geometry theorems.

Who are the 5 mathematicians of geometry?

gurman singh is the famous and great mathematician of geometry

What famous people contributed to geometry?

Your Mother contributed to my geometry :D

Do Mathematicians accept non Euclidean geometry as another valid type of geometry?