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Q: How many men does it take to man a 16 inch gun turret?
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Can you get the rocket turret on box head the zombie wars?

No. but you can get the mortar turret and machina gun turret.

How many guns did the Sherman tank have?

On the top of the turret it had one browning m2 50. cal machine gun in the turret it had one 75mm tank gun and one browning 30. cal machine gun and in the body it had another browning 30. cal machine gun

What is the difference between a sentry and a turret?

Sentry-Human guard or literally turret Turret-Machine designed for protection, fires a gun.

Can the halo reach action figure Jorge hold another gun besides his turret?

No, because his hand is attached to his turret.

Did any World War 2 battleships have a main armament with 4 guns in one turret?

Yes. The British battleships HMS King George V and HMS Duke of York, (both of the King George V class), had 10 of the 14-inch main guns mounted in three turrets. There were 2 of the 4-gun type (one forward and one aft) and a single 2-gun turret (forward behind the 4-gun turret). Need links to pictures? You got 'em.

How do you get in third person mode in Halo 3?

pick up a machine gun turret or a plasma turret, no wait, shoot yourself.

What is a dorsal turret?

A dorsal turret is a gun turret located on the upper part of a vehicle or aircraft. It is used to provide defensive firepower and protection from enemy attacks from above. Dorsal turrets are commonly found on military aircraft and tanks.

How do you make an airsoft tank on a budget?

go kart, plywood, machine gun, turret.

How do use shields on tanks?

The gun shield on a tank is the place where the barrel of the weapon enters the turret from the outside. It elevates with the gun tube (barrel).

Whats the difference between a Civil War Monitor and a Vietnam War Monitor?

The US Civil War Monitor had twin 11 inch guns on her single turret. The Vietnam War Monitor normally had a single 40mm gun in its single turret. The monitors of the US Civil War were built as warships like the British monitors of World War I, and they were given names. They were intended to combat enemy warships and for heavy shore bombardment. The monitors of the Vietnam War were armed and armored modifications of landing craft to provide security on the Mekong river; similar in design and concept to German monitors (called F-Lighters) which defended Axis shipping in coastal areas of World War II, and they were given only numbers. The British monitors were like small battleships with large guns mounted in a single turret. Variations exist depending on country, era, and mission, but a monitor can be defined as a slow heavily-armored vessel which carries few guns of a large caliber for its size; a gunship. A single turret is the norm, but exceptions exist. The German F-Lighters had two 88mm in single-gun turrets. In the US Civil War, the Union Navy operated a small number of monitors with twin 11 inch guns in one turret and twin 15 inch guns in a second turret.

What is the scarab gun on Halo 2?

A gun that has the same power as the scarab turret. It never runs low and can give you an achievement. I don't know where it is, but it is better then the fuel rod cannon on multiplayer.

Did the B-29 bomber have a belly gun turret?

Yes, but was unoccupied. The B-29 had two remotely controlled turrets above and below the cockpit. They could both be electronically linked to the tail turret to fire at whatever it did, if the target was in view.