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Q: How many mg of acetaminophen in a day?
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How many mg of acetaminophen does NyQuil have?

Every 15ml Tablespoon of Vicks NyQuil has 325 mg of Acetaminophen in it.

What does 10-660 mg of hydrocodone acetaminophen mean?

10 mg of hydrocodone. 660 mg of acetaminophen.

Can you take 1075mg of acetaminophen?

The maximum single dose for Acetaminophen is 1,000 mg with a daily max of 4,000 mg.

How many milligrams of Tylenol is in a Percocet 5?

325 mg Tylenol (Acetaminophen) + .5 mg oxycodone = Percocet 5

How many grams of acetaminophen in NyQuil?

Nyquil labeled for cold & flu nighttime relief in a bottle has 650 mg of acetaminophen in a 30 ml dose. Other versions of Nyquil will have different dosage of acetaminophen or no acetaminophen at all.

How many mg of acetaminophen equals 3 grams?

Each tablet contains: No. 3 Codeine Phosphate...................................................................30 mg Acetaminophen................................................................................... 300 mg No. 4 Codeine Phosphate...................................................................60 mg Acetaminophen................................................................................... 300 mg

What of the vicodin have in it?

Vicodin is made up of hydrocodone and acetaminophen (same as Tylenol), usually at a ratio of 1:100 hydrocodone to acetaminophen. So if you had 7.5 mg of hydrocodone, you would have 750 mg of acetaminophen.

What are the ingredients of Loracet?

It is 650 mg. of acetaminophen (Tylenol) and 10 mg. hydrocodone.

What harm can taking 10 500 mg acetaminophen 5 mg hydrocodone 6 times a day do to a young woman?

I' m thinking this must be a prank question. As a nurse we are instructed to tell our patients to limit acetaminophen to 4 grams/day due to it's toxicity to the liver. If someone is taking 10 vicodin at a time they would have exceeded the maximum in just a single dose, with 10 vicodin each containing 500 mg acetaminophen yielding, 5000 mg which is equal to 5 grams. This person should be on there way to the ED

Is ingesting 1625 mg of acetaminophen in a short period of time dangerous and should I see a doctor?

The max amount of acetaminophen you can use in one day is 4000mg or 4g. Taking 4000mg/day for several days can start to become harmful to your liver.

How much hydrocodone does a Watson 502 have in it?

Watson 502 has 7.5 mg Hydrocodone in it, together with 650 mg Acetaminophen.

What is the maximum mg of hydrocodone acetaminophen prescribed?

1 table 4 times a day and one before bedtime. total of 5 per day and 150 for the month.