- One minute of latitude is one nautical mile (1.15 miles, 1.85 kilometers)
- One minute of longitude at the equator is also one nautical mile, but decreases as you move toward the poles.
You can find this by taking the Earth's circumference and divide it with number of minutes. Earth's circumference (the length of equator) is 40075.02 km.
40075.02 / 360 / 60 = 1.8553 km
One minute of longitude on equator is 1.8553 km. Please note - on equator (i.e. on 0 degree of latitude)!
Because the length of parallels decrease toward the north or south pole, the length (in km or miles) of minute of longitude differs for different latitudes. For example on polar circle (66°33'38" south or north) one minute of longitude is only 1.0035 km.
For latitude it's simpler - the length of all meridians are the same.
Take Earth circumference (the length of meridian) is 40007.86 km. Please note - Earth equatorial circumference differs from meridional, because Earth is not a sphere.
40007.86 / 360 / 60 = 1.8522 km
One minute of latitude is 1.8522 km.
For common life it's much to easier consider Earth spherical and use nautical miles.
One nautical mile is 1.852 km and it's approximately the length of one minute from meridional circumference.
1 Nautical mile is 1 minute of latitude. Therefore 1.5 nautical miles is 1'30" (1 minute 30 seconds)
A degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles, and a minute of latitude ... At a latitude of 45 degrees, a degree of longitude is approximately 49 miles. Minute of arc at equator = 1naut.mile = 6080 feet1 second of arc at equator = 101 1/3 feet.At latitude 'w', the above quantities have a multiplying factorcos w.(101.3333) cos w feet per second of longitudeAt a latitude of 60 degrees (=w)1minute=3040'1second=50 2/3 '
There are 60 seconds in 1 minute of latitude.
60 at the equator, decreasing steadily to zero at the poles. In general: (60) times (the cosine of the latitude).
1 minute = 60 seconds, just as in time.
Depends on your latitude, at the equator for instance, 1 minute of longitude = (1 / 21600) * 24901.55 = 1.1528 miles
1 Nautical mile is 1 minute of latitude. Therefore 1.5 nautical miles is 1'30" (1 minute 30 seconds)
According to the related link, one minute of latitude is about 1.15 miles. So 88 miles is approximately 76.5 minutes.
A degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles, and a minute of latitude ... At a latitude of 45 degrees, a degree of longitude is approximately 49 miles. Minute of arc at equator = 1naut.mile = 6080 feet1 second of arc at equator = 101 1/3 feet.At latitude 'w', the above quantities have a multiplying factorcos w.(101.3333) cos w feet per second of longitudeAt a latitude of 60 degrees (=w)1minute=3040'1second=50 2/3 '
40 degrees of latitude is approximately 2760 miles. 1deg = @69 mi. For nautical miles 1 degree of latitude equals 60 nautical miles. 1 minute of latitude equals 1 nautical mile. This means that if you were at 41deg 25minutes North latitude, you would be 2,485 nautical miles north of the equator.
There are approximately 111.32 kilometers (69.17 miles) between each degree of latitude. Since each degree of latitude is divided into 60 minutes, this means there are approximately 1.86 kilometers (1.16 miles) between each minute of latitude.
1 nautical mile is equivalent to one minute of latitude, which corresponds to one sixtieth of a degree of latitude.
There are 60 seconds in 1 minute of latitude.
60 at the equator, decreasing steadily to zero at the poles. In general: (60) times (the cosine of the latitude).
1 minute = 60 seconds, just as in time.
Each degree of latitude is divided into sixty minutes. Each minute of latitude can be divided into seconds and then those seconds can be divided more.
1 light-minute is 11,176,943.823 miles.