1 Nautical mile is 1 minute of latitude. Therefore 1.5 nautical miles is 1'30" (1 minute 30 seconds)
- One minute of latitude is one nautical mile (1.15 miles, 1.85 kilometers)- One minute of longitude at the equator is also one nautical mile, but decreases as you move toward the poles.---You can find this by taking the Earth's circumference and divide it with number of minutes. Earth's circumference (the length of equator) is 40075.02 km.40075.02 / 360 / 60 = 1.8553 kmOne minute of longitude on equator is 1.8553 km. Please note - on equator (i.e. on 0 degree of latitude)!Because the length of parallels decrease toward the north or south pole, the length (in km or miles) of minute of longitude differs for different latitudes. For example on polar circle (66°33'38" south or north) one minute of longitude is only 1.0035 km.For latitude it's simpler - the length of all meridians are the same.Take Earth circumference (the length of meridian) is 40007.86 km. Please note - Earth equatorial circumference differs from meridional, because Earth is not a sphere.40007.86 / 360 / 60 = 1.8522 kmOne minute of latitude is 1.8522 km.For common life it's much to easier consider Earth spherical and use nautical miles.One nautical mile is 1.852 km and it's approximately the length of one minute from meridional circumference.
22.5 hours.
You appear to misunderstand. At best it is 'speed' 1 mile in a minute is 60 mph. 2 miles in one minute is 120 mph . However, in nautucal terms 1 nautical mile is divided into 60 minutes. It is a measure of distance at sea across an ocean.
1 Nautical mile is 1 minute of latitude. Therefore 1.5 nautical miles is 1'30" (1 minute 30 seconds)
Meridians are not evenly spaced. They are closer together at extreme latitudes, and farther apart near the equator. Near the equator, each minute of longitude is approximately one nautical mile (6076 feet). At other latitudes, the number of nautical miles between minutes of longitude is approximately the cosine of the latitude.
Depends on your latitude, at the equator for instance, 1 minute of longitude = (1 / 21600) * 24901.55 = 1.1528 miles
Latitudes are evenly spaced regardless of the longitude. One degree of latitude corresponds to 60 nautical miles on the surface, or about 69.1 regular miles.
40 degrees of latitude is approximately 2760 miles. 1deg = @69 mi. For nautical miles 1 degree of latitude equals 60 nautical miles. 1 minute of latitude equals 1 nautical mile. This means that if you were at 41deg 25minutes North latitude, you would be 2,485 nautical miles north of the equator.
76.4699 nautical miles.
the international nautical mile was defined in 1929 as 1852 metres. This is based on the assumption that your question containing the words 'one minute' refers to the distance of one minute of arc of latitude
As an approximation, the circumference of the earth is 24,000 miles. There are 24 hours in a day (but there are actually more than 24 time zones as there are some 1/2 hour divisions). Ignoring this, there are thus approximately 24,000/24 hours = 1000 nautical miles per hour of time zone.
There are 7710 miles in 6700 nautical miles.1 nautical mile = 1.15 miles
2,500 nautical miles=2,876.94862 miles
291 nautical miles = 334.88 miles.