If you walk 1.74 miles in 36 minutes your average speed is 2.9 miles per hour.
15 minutes per mile is 4 miles per hour ( that is a fast pace). In three hours you would walk 12 miles
It depends on how fast you walk.
The average person could run 9 to 12 miles in three hours. Most people could not run for three hours, so many would walk portions of this challenge.
on average 2 - 3 trillion miles
Assuming your average walking speed to be 3 miles per hour in 8 hours you could walk 24 miles
12,000 to 15,000 miles is the average person but I'm not sure of the average American
15 to 17 minutes at average walk pace and 12- 13 minutes at slow power walk
That depends on how fast you walk. However, based on an average of 20 minutes for a mile, it would take 17,600 minutes to walk 880 miles.
the average American walks 3 miles per hour. that being said it would take 4 hours to walk 12 miles (3mph x 4hrs = 12miles)
I believe 5 or 6 depending on weather .
That all depends on how many aisles you go down.
You can walk fo about 2 miles
The average human being can walk approximately 3 miles per hour. If this number was then extrapolated to the period of a day (12 hours) this would equal out to approximately 36 miles walked.
According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, the average person takes between 8,000 and 10.000 steps a day. This works out to be several miles. In the average lifetime, that adds up to about 115,000 miles!
If you walk 1.74 miles in 36 minutes your average speed is 2.9 miles per hour.