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Q: How many millimetres of rain does Victoria get per year?
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About 436 mm. That's 4 mm per year.

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a year without rain,the stars are burning and ocean is running dry.this is by Victoria Dmitruczyk

How much rain fall does Jamaica get each year?

The average rainfall is 1,960 millimetres (77 in) per year. Rainfall is much greater in the mountain areas facing the north and east, however. Where the higher elevations of the John Crow Mountains and the Blue Mountains catch the rain from the moisture-laden winds, rainfall exceeds 5,080 millimetres (200 in) per year. Since the southwestern half of the island lies in the rain shadow of the mountains, it has a semiarid climate and receives fewer than 760 millimetres (30 in) of rainfall annually.

How many millimeters in a light year?

1 light year = 9.46 × 1018 millimetres

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How many inches of rain does Asia get a year?

What is the rainfall of London each month in 2007?

London, on an average, receives almost 50 millimetres of rain a year. The month-wise break-up of average rain received (in millimetres) by the British capital is as follows: 61 millimetres in the month of January, 36mm in February, 50mm in March, 42mm in April, 45mm in May, 46mm in June, 46mm in July, 44mm in August, 43mm in September, 73mm in October, 45mm in November and 59mm in December. October is the wettest month of the year. London receives a total of 177mm in the last three months (or the fourth quarter) of the year. That means on an average, the British capital receives about 59 millimetres of rainfall in the last three months of the year, which is nine millimetres above the annual average. On the other hand, it receives a total of 266mm in the six months between April and September (or the second and third quarters) of the year. That means on an average, the British capital receives only about 44 millimetres of rainfall in the second and third quarters of the year, which is six millimetres below the annual average.

How many millimetres are in 4 centimeters?

40 u dweeb what year do u go

How many feet of rain does the Amazon rain forest get each year?

954 feet a year.

How many inches of rain does a rain forest get in a year?

250 cm

How many people visit Victoria falls a year?

About 30,000 people visit Victoria Falls each year.

How many times a year does Texas get rain?

52 times a year

How many days of the year does it rain in America?

about 164