A thousand million makes a billion in the US.
A billionaire is someone who has at least a billion dollars. Counting to a billion and being a billionaire have no connection.
15,800 millions.
30,000 millions.
120.000 millions dollars O.o Almost a billionaire
Ten millions = 10,000,000 which makes 7 of them.
There are three syllables in billionaire - bill·ion·aire.
Litterman has 400 millions and Jay Leno has 150 millions
Being a billionaire
close to being a billionaire: around 750 millions USD
1,000 millions make 1 billion. 1,000,000 is 1 million. 1,000,000,000 is 1 billion.
The Billionaire of Dismal Downs has 15 pages.
Millions. There are no such records for how many pars he makes.
He makes 2 mil a month and is still underpaid.
A billionaire has more money, because the highest amount in the millions a millionaire could get would be "999 999 999". Which would make them a multimillionaire. But after that "999 999 999", once they get over that number they would have "1 000 000 000" which is a billion, making them a billionaire.