

Best Answer

60 x 24 x365


1440 X 365 =

525600 min per year.

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Q: How many mins in 1 year?
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How many minutes are in a leap year?

a leap year has 366 days1 day = 24 hrs1 hr= 60 mins366 x 24 hrs = 8784 hrs8784 hrs x 60 mins/ 1 hr (cancel hr) = 527040 mins

How many minutes are in 1 year?

365 days * 24 hours in a day * 60 minutes in an hour = 525600 minutes 527040 for leap year 60 mins. times 24 hrs. equals 1440 mins. times 365 days. equals 532896 mins. The total minutes in one year.

How many mins are hours are in 91 mins?

1 hour and 31 minutes.

How old would you be at a million minutes?

You'd be 1,000,000 minutes old. However, in larger units some assumptions will have to be made: As months do not all have the same number of days, when the 1,000,000 minutes started would affect the number of days, so an average number of mins per month will be used; then: 525,949 min ≈ 1 year → 1,000,000 mins ≈ 1,000,000 ÷ 525,949 years = 1 year 474,051 mins 525,949 mins ÷ 12 months ≈ 43,829.1 mins/month → 474,051 mins ≈ 474,051 ÷ 43,829.1 months = 10 months 35760 mins 1440 mins = 1 day → 35760 mins = 35760 ÷ 1440 days = 24 days 1200 mins 60 mins = 1 hour → 1200 mins = 1200 ÷ 60 hours = 20 hours → 1,000,000 mins ≈ 1 year, 10 months, 24 days, 20 hours. Or approx 1 year, 10 months, 25 days old.

How many mins in 1 day?


How many years in one million minutes?

There are 1440 mins in a day (60x24) 1000000/1440 = 694.4r days. = 1 year and 329.4 days

How many minutes in 1 hour and one fifth?

72 mins: 60 divided by 5 (1 fifth) is 12 mins, there's 60 mins in and hour, 60 + 12 = 72

How many minutes in 13 years?

6832800 mins. :)How is this done?1: 60 mins x 24 = 1440 mins/day2: 1440 mins x 365 = 525600 mins/year3: 525600 mins x 13 = 6832800 mins in 13 years!

How many minutes does Superman 3 run?

123 mins 2hours 3mins tyler leets cut 112 mins 1 hour 52 mins

How many minutes does Superman 2 run?

125 mins 2hours 5mins richard donner cut 114 mins 1 hour 14 mins

How many minutes are there in 1 and a half of an hour?

Well, sweetheart, if you can't handle basic math, I'm not sure what to tell you. One and a half hours is the same as 90 minutes. So, there you have it, 90 minutes in one and a half hours. Math doesn't have to be rocket science, darling.

How many hours in 80 minutes?

1 hr = 60 mins So 80 hrs = 80 x 60 mins = 4800 mins