You can walk 1 km in 6 minutes if you can walk a mile in 10 minutes.
The time it takes to walk 500 feet can vary depending on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walking at a moderate pace of 3 miles per hour covers 440 feet in a minute. Therefore, it would take approximately 1 minute and 8 seconds to walk 500 feet at this pace. However, factors such as terrain, physical condition, and obstacles can affect the actual time it takes to walk this distance.
Depends on your Stride length
I assume you mean how many hours to walk 7km. Otherwise you have just given 2 speeds. 900mm a minute = 0.9m in a minute. x60 = 54m per hour 7km is 7000 metres 7000 / 54 = 129.63 hours to walk 7km while walking at 900mm per minute
The answer is probably somewhat influenced by the rate at which you walk.For example:-- If you walk at the rate of 486 feet per minute, it takes 1 minute.-- If you walk at the rate of (1/486) feet per minute, it takes 486 minutes.Let's assume military gait and cadence:18-inch step, 120 per minute = 180 feet per minute, or about 2.045 miles per hour.At that rate, it takes (486/180) = 2.7 minutes
I think it would be 13 to 15 minute walk
I think it would be 13 to 15 minute walk
Depends how fast you walk. Roughly 1760 feet.
4/5 of an hour
it would take 1 year to walk
It depends on starting and ending points. It would take a 5-minute walk to enter Mexico from say, the US; it would take a couple of days to reach Mexico from India or China.
It depends on how fast you walk.
That depends upon how much mass has been moved over that 30 minute walk.
It depends on how fast you are walking. People tend to walk at a pace of about 3.1 mph (or 4.54667feet per second). If a person were walking at this speed, it would take them about 43 seconds to walk 197 feet.
22 miles walking at a pace of 32 meters per minute would require 18.44 hours (18 hours 26.4 minutes).
Less than a day, if you walk at a normal pace, it would take you about 70 minutes.