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3 minutes and 6 seconds

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Q: How many minutes and seconds are in 186 second?
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How many hours are in 186 minutes as a mixed number?

how many hours are in 186 minutes?Express this as a mixed number and as a decimal.

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How many hours are in 186 minutes?

186/60=3.1 186min divided by how many minutes in an hour (60) gives you 3.1 hours

How long in miutes does it take light to reach Earth from the Sun which is 93 million miles away when light travels at 186 thousand miles per second?

It takes: 93,000,000/186,000 = 500 seconds and 500/60 = 8 minutes and 20 seconds

How many hours are in 186 minutes in decimal form?

3.1 hours

How long would it take to fall 167 feet?

Surely you're aware that a falling object accelerates under the influence of gravity. That acceleration manifests itself in the form of steadily-increasing speed, so the time required to fall 186 feet depends on how long it has already been falling. -- Immediately after it's dropped, the object falls the first 186 feet in 3.399 seconds. -- It falls the NEXT 186 feet in 1.408 seconds. -- It falls the next 186 feet in 1.08 seconds. -- It falls the next 186 feet in 0.911 second. -- It falls the next 186 feet in 0.802 second. . . etc.

How long does it take to drive 186 miles going 65 mph?

Assuming a constant average speed of 65 miles per hour, this would take 186/65 x 60 = 171.692307 recurring (that is, 171.692307692307...) minutes or 2 hours 51 minutes 41.5 seconds.

If you could drive through space at 75 mph how long would it take to reach the sun?

The sun is about 93,000,000 miles away, so at 75mph, this would take about 93 000 000 / 75 = 1 240 000 hours ~= 51 667 days ~= 141.5 years. Light travels at about 186 000 miles per second, so it takes about 93 000 000 / 186 000 = 500 seconds = 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach us. If the sun was to stop shining, we wouldn't know about it for a bit over 8 minutes!

How many seconds does it take to make a mile?

Since the speed of light, c, in vacuo is 186, 282.397 miles/sec and c is a universal constant, there is 1/c second per mile referenced to the speed of light.

How long does it take to drive 15 miles driving at 186 miles per hour?

Dividing distance travelled by speed, and rounding to three significant figures, gives 15/186 = 0.0806 hours or, rounded to two decimal places, 4 minutes 50.32 seconds.

How many hours does it take to drive 186 miles if you are driving 60 mph?

Time = Distance/Speed = 186/60 = 3.1 hours = 3 hours and 6 minutes.

How many hours does it take to drive 186 miles?

At an average 60 mph: 3 hours, 6 minutes