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It takes: 93,000,000/186,000 = 500 seconds and 500/60 = 8 minutes and 20 seconds

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Q: How long in miutes does it take light to reach Earth from the Sun which is 93 million miles away when light travels at 186 thousand miles per second?
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How long would it take for light to travel per second?

Light travels for precisely one second each second.During that time, it travels a distance of about 300 million meters, or 186 thousand miles, if it's travelingin vacuum, a bit less if it has to plow its way through any material medium.

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Please note that the speed is the same for 1 second or for 1 hour or whatever. Light travels 300,000 km per second, or 300 million meters per second.

What travels through space at a speed of three hundred thousand kilometers per second?

Light travels through space at a speed of three hundred thousand kilometers per second, which is approximately 186,000 miles per second. This speed is constant in a vacuum and is the fastest speed possible in the universe according to the theory of relativity.

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This is an abbreviation for gigabaud; a giga prefix is equivalent to one thousand million and baud is measure using in information theory and datacomms and indicates symbols per second. So 1 gigabaud is one thousand million symbols per second.

How many meters does light travel in 2 hours?

Light travels 300,000 km per second, or 300 million meters/second. Convert the 2 hours to seconds, then multiply by 300 million.

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Light travels at about 299,792 kilometers per second, while sound travels at about 343 meters per second. This means light travels approximately 874,600 times faster than sound.

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How many meters is one light minute?

In a second, light travels about 300,000 km., or 300,000,000 meters. Multiply this by 60.In a second, light travels about 300,000 km., or 300,000,000 meters. Multiply this by 60.In a second, light travels about 300,000 km., or 300,000,000 meters. Multiply this by 60.In a second, light travels about 300,000 km., or 300,000,000 meters. Multiply this by 60.

What units measure time in the metric system?

Time is typically measured in seconds in the metric system. Other units that can be used for longer time intervals include minutes, hours, or days, but they are not part of the official SI units for time.

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What is the velocity of light per second?

The velocity of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second.