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1 years = 525,667 minutes.

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Q: How many minutes are there in 1year?
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How old would a person who is 1000000 minutes old be?

1,000,000 minutes is 1year 329days4hours 40minutes.

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How many years is 70 weeks?

1year and 4 months

1year 6weeks equals how many weeks?

58 weeks

How many nanosecond are there in 1year?

1 year = 3.1556926 × 1016 nanoseconds

How would you find how many weeks there are in a certain number of years?

Depends on how accurate you want it to be. 365 days=1year,,,52 weeks=1year,,, But their are other factors,Such as Leep years!

How many years does a single tree ring represent?

1 ring=1year

How do you convert 19 months into years and months?

1year = 12months 12 of the 19months are 1year, leaving 7 more months So 19months = 1year 7months



When does the mca 1year 2sem syllabus is going to be displayed?

I want to know the syllabus of MCA 1year 2sem.

How many day are in 1year?

There are 365 days in a normal year and 366 days in a leap year

How many seconds in 1year?

31536000 seconds for a common year and 31622400 seconds for a leap year