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From the Earth, about one and a half seconds;

from the sun, about 8 minutes.

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Q: How many minutes does it take for a light to reach the moon?
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How many lightyears are you away from Jupiter?

Well the Moon is 1 light second away from earth ( meaning if you were moving at the speed of light you would reach and pass the moon in 1 second ) and the Sun is about 8 light minutes away from us. Jupiter is maybe 4 light minutes?

How much Time light takes to travel from sun to moon?

I believe it takes light from the sun about seven minutes to reach earth and moon. And light travels at 186,000 miles pre second !

How long does it take for the moon to get light?

The Moon has no light of its own, it shines because the Sun's light is illuminating it. It takes the light from the Sun about 8 minutes to reach the Moon and 1.27 seconds to bounce off the Moon to your eyes. As the Moon orbits the Earth every 27 days, there are 27 days between one Full Moon and the next.

Why is it not possible to travel faster than the speed of light?

because nothing is faster than light. for example let's say it's a clear night and you have a flashlight with you if you take your flashlight and aim it at the moon it would reach the moon in 8 minutes, try to see if you could get to the moon in 8 minutes

The time it takes for sunlight to be reflected from the moon to earth?

Light from the sun takes about 81/3 minutes to reach the moon, and if it bounces off the moon in the direction of Earth, another 1.27 seconds from the moon to Earth.

Does the light of the sun reach the earth?

Yes - the light takes approximately 8 minutes 20 seconds to hit the earth surface. In addition the Moon reflects the suns light so we see "moon light" which of course is in actual fact reflected sunlight

How does the light from the moon reach the earth?

The moon does not emit light, rather it reflects it. The light from the sun shines on the moon, and it is reflected to earth.

Why does it take longer for light to reach earth then the time it takes light reflections off the moon to get to earth?

The light from the Moon reflects off its surface and travels directly to Earth, while the light from distant objects in the universe has to travel a much greater distance before reaching Earth. Light from the Moon has a shorter distance to travel compared to light from more distant objects, which is why it arrives sooner.

How long does it take for light to travel from the sun to the moon then to the earth?

It takes about 8 and one third minutes to get to the Moon. From the Moon to the Earth only takes a second or so. Of course the light may reach the Earth first, depending on where the Moon is in its orbit around Earth, but it hardly makes any difference.

Can the laser light reach the moon?

Yes , laser lights easily reach the moon. It should take about 1.3 seconds to reach it. The moon is about 239,000 miles away. Light travels at a constant 186,000 per second. So the math is easy.

How does light reach the full moon?

The light from the sun reflects light to the full moon as the sun is always just opposite the full moon except during the new moon time, where there is no moon to be seen.

How long does it take light to get fromthe sun to the moon?

Most likely the same time it takes our sun's light to reach the earth, roughly eight minutes. It might arrive a little earlier or a little later, depending on where the moon is in it's rotation around the earth.