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It took $170,000,000,000 (2005) to reach the moon through the Apollo Program.

But it would take 38902 dollar bills lined up end to end to reach the moon

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Q: How many one dollar bills does it take to reach the moon?
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How many dollar bills does it take to reach the moon?


How many dollar bills would you have to stack to reach the moon?

A lot.

How many dollar bills would it take to reach the moon?

it would take about $170,243,286,935 to reach the moon proven by M.I.T

How many dollar bills stacked end to end to reach the moon?

2,513,280 one way 5,026,560 round trip

How many dollar bills stacked on top of each other does it take to get to the moon?

{| |- | 3,844,030,000,000.00 |}

How many dollars stacked end to end will it take to reach the moon?

The moon is about 238,837 miles from the earth. There are 5,280 feet in a mle. Two dollar bills end to end are one foot. So, there are 238837 x 5280 x 2 = $2,522,118,720 just about the price of Ford Motor Company back in November 2008.

Would they reach the Moon if not how many quarters would you need to reach the moon?

100 trillion

Who was the astronaut who didn't reach the moon?

Many astronauts have not reached the moon.

How many days to Reach the moon?

It takes about 3 days for a spacecraft to reach the Moon from Earth.

How many days did Apollos spacecraft take to reach to the moon?

Apollos spacecraft took about 3 days to reach the moon.

How tall is a trillion one dollar bills?

In a straight stack, one trillion US $1 bills would be a stack 67,866 miles high (109220 km).The minimum thickness of a bundle of 50 new US $1 bills is 0.215 inches (0.5 cm), not counting the band. Using the figure of 0.43 inch for 100 bills, or 4.3 inches for a stack of 1000, you reach the following dimensions:1 million one-dollar bills create a stack 4300 inches tall (358.33 feet, 109.22 meters).1 billion one-dollar bills create a stack 4,300,000 inches tall.This is 358,333 feet, or 67.866 miles, or 109.22 kilometers.1 trillion one-dollar bills create a stack 4,300,000,000 inches tall.This is 358,333,333 feet, or 67866 miles, or 109220 kilometers, more than 1/4 of the average distance to the Moon.

How many iphones does it take to reach the moon?

It would take over 400 million iPhones stacked on top of each other to reach the moon.