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Q: How many minutes has one day?
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How many minutes are a day?

There are 1/1440th of a day in one minute.

How many minutes does a giraffe have a true sleep in one day?

20 minutes

How many sec and min in one day?

There are 86,400 seconds in one day. There are 1,440 minutes in one day.

How minutes in one day?

There are 1,440 minutes in one day.

How many hours and minutes and seconds in a day?

There are 24 hours in one day.There are 60 minutes in one hour, 60 (minutes) x 24 (hours) = 1,440 minutes in one day.There are 60 seconds in one minute, 60 (seconds) x 1,440 (minutes) = 86,400 seconds in one day.

How many minutes arre in one and a half days?

One day and half, is equivalent to 36 hours or 2160 minutes.

How many minutes in one fifth of a year?

In a normal 365 day year, there are 105120 minutes in one-fifth of a year.

How many days are 166 minutes?

166 minutes is 2 hours and 46 minutes. There are 24 hours is one day. Therefore 166 minutes isn't even half a day.

How many minuts is in one murcury day?

Approx 253360 minutes

How long is one Minecraft day?

One Minecraft day is 20 minutes. Day is 10 minutes, and night is 10 minutes.

How may minutes in a day?

There are 1,440 minutes in one day.

How many minutes do people spend on Facebook per day?

how minutes are there in a day, that's how many minutes, haha