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Two gigabytes includes about two thousand megabytes. Two gigabytes is a unit of memory, not time.

If you are talking about video, it greatly depends on what format you are storing it in.

For example, in the P2 recording medium,
DVC Pro runs about .25 GB/min.,
DVCPro HD or 720PN24 runs about .4 GB/min.,
DVCPro50 or DVCProHD 720P30 runs about .5 GB/min and
DVCProHD 1080i60 or 720P60 runs about 1.0 GB/min.

Hope these specifics are helpful.
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Q: How many minutes is in two gigabytes?
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Gigabytes has no connection with time.

How many minutes is 1 Gib?

30 minutes i think

How many minutes is 2 GB?

Minutes is a unit of time GB is a unit of space on a hard drive

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How many minutes equals 1 gigabytes?

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You can't compare gigabytes by time. Gigabytes are memory storages.

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about 500 minutes

Can you convert GB to minutes?

No. The two things measure different things and conversion from one to another is not valid.

How many minutes are in 1 gigabyte?

A gigabyte is a unit of information (storage), whereas minutes are time, so they aren't comparable directly. One gigabyte means either one billion bytes, or 2^30 =1073741824 bytes (often called a gibibyte, the "bi" meaning binary, so a giga-binary-byte). Each byte is made up of 8 bits where a bit can be one of two values, such as 1 or 0, or true or false, or yes or no. If you mean "how many minutes of music" or "how many minutes of video" can fit in one gigabyte, that depends. A simple rule of thumb is that using modern compression, 1 megabyte (1/1000th of a gigabyte) can store about one minute of music, or about 7 seconds of standard-definition video, or around 2.5 seconds of high-definition video (both video types including their corresponding audio tracks) . So, 1 gigabyte can store about 1,000 minutes (16 hours, 40 minutes) of music, or about 1.94 hours (1 hour, 53 minutes) of standard-def video, or about 33 minutes of hi-def video.