7 pentasong
The concept of measuring time in gigabytes is not accurate. A gigabyte is a unit of digital storage capacity, not time. It represents 1 billion bytes of data. Time is measured in units such as seconds, minutes, and hours.
A Gibibyte (GiB) is a unit of digital information storage equal to 2^30 bytes. One byte is equal to 8 bits, and one bit can represent a binary value of 0 or 1. Therefore, 1 Gibibyte is equivalent to 2^30 * 8 bits. To convert this to minutes, we need to know the data transfer rate in bits per minute to calculate the time it would take to transfer 1 Gibibyte of data.
gigabytes is actually a measurement of memory. If your computer has 100 Gigabytes that's pretty good. A minute is, as I'm sure you know, a measurement of time. So they are incompatible.
That really depends on the quality of the video. A low-quality video may use 1 megabyte (not gigabyte) per minute, or a few megabytes per minute. A DVD, which is already high quality, has 4.7 gigabytes for a capacity of perhaps a little over 2 hours (120 minutes). A Blu-ray disc, which has a still higher quality, uses about 25 gigabytes for the same playing time.
These two units are not compatible for conversion; minutes is time, gigabytes (GB) is computer memory.
about 3330 minutes.
Gigabytes has no connection with time.
4 million minutes
7 pentasong
2gb = 360 minutes of videos
about 500 minutes
2 gigabytes = 0.001953125 TB
A 2 GB memory card will hold 30 minutes of HD video or 50 minutes of standard quality video. The actual amount of record time varies greatly based on the camera and its recording method.
There are 2048 megabytes in 2 gigabytes.