A millimetre is a unit of length. An ounce is a unit of mass. The two units are therefore incompatible.
NONE, mm is length and cannot be compared to WEIGHT
Millimetres are a linear measurement. An ounce is a measure of mass. They cannot be converted. If you were meaning to say "ml to oz" then: Oz : 1 = Ml : 29.573529687517038
1 fl oz (UK) = 28.41307 ml (SI) 1 fl oz (US) = 29.57353 ml (SI) Ounces is volume. Millimeter is length. Perhaps you meant Milliliter? In which case, the above equations will help you if you know which country fl oz you're dealing with... Now, you could have cubic millimeters, in which case the following equations would work: 3.381402 *10-05 US fl oz = 1 cubic mm 3.519501 *10-05 UK fl oz = 1 cubic mm 29573.53 cubic mm = 1 US fl oz 28413.12cubic mm = 1 UK fl oz For more conversion info go to related link "Conversion" below
No.of lead balls in one pound diameter of lead balls 10 0.76" (19.7 mm) 12 0.73" (18.5 mm) 16 0.66" (16.8 mm) 20 0.62" (15.6 mm) 28 0.55" (14.0 mm)000 Bu Number of shot determined by the guage and weight of shot in the shotshell 000 Buck = 6 shot per oz: 00 Buck = 8 Shot per oz; 0 Buck = 9 shot per oz; 1 Buck = 11 shot per oz; 2 buck = 15 shot per oz; 4 Buck = 21 shot per oz
There is no conversion from mm to oz.
1 ounce
1 mm = 1000 um
1 inch is how many mm?
1 mm = .1 cm
10 mm = 1 cm ⇒ 1 mm = 1/10 cm =