There is about 6 months in 178 days (slightly less than 6).
Some months have 28 days (29 in a Leap Year), others have 30 or 31 days. The average is just less than 30½ days. 119 days is therefore about 2 days less than 4 months.
more than 4 less than 5 months usually have 30 or 31 days 146/30 for example = 4.87 months slightly less if 31 days so about 4 months 3 weeks
Just slightly less than four.
I am guessing you mean "how many months does 52 weeks make?" 52 weeks x 7 days/week = 364 days. 364 days is one day less than a year (2 days less than a leap year). So 52 weeks is one or two days short of 12 months.
Febuary has less than 30 days.
About a week less than six months.
There is about 6 months in 178 days (slightly less than 6).
Well, darling, there are 9 months in 270 days. That's just simple math - divide 270 by 30 (the average number of days in a month) and voilà! So, if you were wondering how long you've been putting up with someone's nonsense for 270 days, now you know it's been a solid 9 months.
Some months have 28 days (29 in a Leap Year), others have 30 or 31 days. The average is just less than 30½ days. 119 days is therefore about 2 days less than 4 months.
more than 4 less than 5 months usually have 30 or 31 days 146/30 for example = 4.87 months slightly less if 31 days so about 4 months 3 weeks
Just slightly less than four.
342 days would be 11.2 average months (30.4 days), or 23 or 24 days less than a full year.
It's about 354 days, which is about 11 days less than a solar year.
I am guessing you mean "how many months does 52 weeks make?" 52 weeks x 7 days/week = 364 days. 364 days is one day less than a year (2 days less than a leap year). So 52 weeks is one or two days short of 12 months.
A year is 365 days. Half of that, 6 months, is 182.5 days. That is less than 200 days. 200 days is larger than 6 months.
17 weeks (119 days) is about 3 days less than 4 months (121.75 days). Each month is an average of 30.4 days long. Since there are 119 days in 17 weeks, this works out to 3.9 months.