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Q: How many months make 150 days?
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How many months its 150 days?


How many days in 5 months?

Delends on the months. Approximately 150

How many days equals 5 months?


What is the length of the pregnancy in a goat?

150 days (5 months)

How many months is 150 working days?

150 working days, excluding Monday holidays, would be 30 weeks. This is approximately 7 months, using an average month of 30.4 days.

Gestation period of a goat?

The gestation period for a sheep is averaged to be 150 days

How many months is 145 or 155 days?

I thought 145 days was 5 months.... 30 days per month x 5 months = 150 days... so 145 days should be right around 5 months.

How many months is 150 days?

It is 5 months of 30 days or 4.9 average months of 30.4 days. In real life (not mathematically speaking), the same time span may relate to a different number of months according to the days and months in question. February has 28 days in 3 out of 4 years whereas March has 31 days. The simplest calculation is: Let a month have 30 days in average, then 150 days are 150/30 = 5 months. A simple statistical calculation may be: Let a year have 365 days and 12 months, than a month has 365/12 = 30.417 days in average; then 150 days are 150 / 30.417 = 4.9315 months. Of course there are further statistical calculations that could be made for the missing information (since the first day is not known) but 5 months is a good answer.

150 hours is how many months?

There are 24 hours per day, so let's divide: 150 / 24 = 6.25 days Since this number can be contained in a month, we need to set which kind of month it is. In a month with 30 days: It is .2083 months. In a month with 31 days: It is .2016 months. In a leap-year February: It is .2232 months.

How many months are female goats in labor?

They are only in labor for a day, which is the birth process. Female goats are pregnant for about 150 days (about 5 months).

Convert 150 into hours and minutes please?

150 what? Days? Years? Centuries? 150 months to hours and minutes

What is the gestation period of a pygmy goat?

A pygmy goat is pregnant for about 150 days, then when she goes into labour it takes about an hour or so depending on the number of kids she is having.