mph is a measure of speed, km is a measure of distance.
Speed = Distance/Time.
You cannot convert distance into speed without knowledge of the time taken for the journey.
130 km per hour = 80.7783 mph
To make this conversion, first know that 1 km/hour is equal to 0.62 mph. If you multiply this number (0.62) by the number of km you're trying to convert (130), you will get your answer: ~81 mph.
6 mph = 9.6561 km/h
429.7 km/h
400 km in what time is missing
130 km per hour = 80.7783 mph
130 mph is equal to approximately 209 kilometers per hour.
You can not convert a distance to a speed.To convert either km to miles, or km/hour to mph, divide the number by 1.6, approximately.You can not convert a distance to a speed.To convert either km to miles, or km/hour to mph, divide the number by 1.6, approximately.You can not convert a distance to a speed.To convert either km to miles, or km/hour to mph, divide the number by 1.6, approximately.You can not convert a distance to a speed.To convert either km to miles, or km/hour to mph, divide the number by 1.6, approximately.
To make this conversion, first know that 1 km/hour is equal to 0.62 mph. If you multiply this number (0.62) by the number of km you're trying to convert (130), you will get your answer: ~81 mph.
210 km/h or 130 mph
80.78 mph
The recommended speed of the German autobahn is 130 km/h (81 mph), but there is no general speed limit. Austrian and Swiss autobahns have general speed limits of 130 km/h (81 mph) and 120 km/h (75 mph), respectively.
146 km/h = 90.7202 mph
220 km is equal to 136.701 mph.
Answer: 700 km/h= 434.959 mph
93 km/h is about 57.8 mph
Answer: 76 km/h = 47.2242 mph.