How many numbers can we make with 650271 without doing the number more than 1 time
Using 1, 2, and 3, you can make 27 whole numbers.
With 123 digits you can make 123 one-digit numbers.
Oxygen typically forms two covalent bonds to satisfy the octet rule.
Eight bits to the octet. The values are 0-255.
eight. it is important to obtain octet so that elements become stable.
They are called an octet.
It is one of many, many exceptions to the octet rule. Hydrogen does NOT require 8 electrons.
An octet is 8 bits, which forms a byte.
its called an octet
Octet A grouping of 8 bits, often used to identify the four 8-bit decimal numbers that compose an IP address (as in "first octet," "second octet," and so forth)
No. 255 is the highest octet. as know that th highest octet is the 255 and the third octet of this IP is more then standard so we can see it is not valid ip address the valid for this is:
Class B Class A are octets beginning in numbers 1-126 Class B are octets beginning in numbers 128-191 Class C are octets beginning in numbers 192-223