There are 10 one digit positive integers (0 - 9) and 9 one digit negative integers (-9 to -1) making 19 in all.
There are 4500 such numbers.
the answer would be 900
Positive integers are greater than negative integers. For positive integers: * The integer with more digits is larger. * If two integers have the same length, compare the first digit. If the first digit is the same, compare the second digit, then the third, etc., until you find a difference. In each case, the integer with the larger digit (at the first position where you find a difference) is the larger one.
There are 352.
There are 45 integers between 11 and 999999 which consist of only one digit being repeated. There are 831430 integers that contain at least one repeated digit.
4 digits - representing 16 integers.
There are 4500 such numbers.
the answer would be 900
There are 8*8 = 64 such numbers.
10 of them.
22 of them.