11 of them.
You have to add six and five...
There are 4 quarter pieces
1,25 L = 1 250 mL
11 of them.
You have to add six and five...
There are 4 quarter pieces
Four quarters is a whole. That's what the word "quarter" means.
There are a quarter of a quarter beats in a demisemiquaver which means there is one eighth of a beat in it. Some times it may be one sixth.
16, since there are 4 sixteenth notes in a quarter note and 4 quarter notes in a whole note.
A crotchet is one quarter of a whole note. A semibreve rest is one whole note. Therefore, a semibreve would have how many quarter notes (crotchet)?
6 X 1/6 make 1.0
In a 4 pattern time signature, it takes 8 quarter notes to equal a double whole note.