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Q: How many one sixth slices are in a whole pie?
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How many sixth are there in three wholes?

I want you to picture 3 whole pizzas. Now I want you to take each one and cut them into six slices. To get the total number of slices multiply 3 x6=

How many sixth are in one whole and five sixth?

11 of them.

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You have to add six and five...

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What is a whole minus a sixth?

One minus a sixth is five sixths.

How many sliced jalapenos are in a pound?

Eight to twelve slices will comprise approximately one whole jalapeno.

What is one sixth as a whole number?

One sixth is not a whole number. Expressed as a decimal, it is equal to 0.16 recurring (that is, 0.16666..)

One half plus one sixth equals?

1 whole

How many one sixth makes a quarter of a whole?

(1/4) / (1/6) = 1 and a 1/2.

When two proper fractions are multiplied is the product smaller then the numbers being multiplied?

True.Think of a pie or pizza sliced up. Say you slice it into 6 slices. Each slice is one sixth of the whole. Say you want to multiply 2/3 by 1/2. So take just half of the pizza. This is 3 slices and each slice is 1/3 of this half-section. So 2/3 of 1/2 is 2/3 X 1/2 = 2/6, which is 2 slices, and 2/6 simplifies to 1/3. Two slices is one-third of the whole pizza.

How many slices in a extra large Domino's pizza?

We just had one. It had ten slices and they were really big. You can ask them to make it as many slices you want.

How many slices are there in a Domino's extra-large pizza?

We just had one. It had ten slices and they were really big. You can ask them to make it as many slices you want.