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Q: How many one sixth slices are in a whole pie?
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How many sixth are there in three wholes?

I want you to picture 3 whole pizzas. Now I want you to take each one and cut them into six slices. To get the total number of slices multiply 3 x6=

How many sixth are in one whole and five sixth?

11 of them.

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You have to add six and five...

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What is a whole minus a sixth?

One minus a sixth is five sixths.

How many sliced jalapenos are in a pound?

Eight to twelve slices will comprise approximately one whole jalapeno.

What is one sixth as a whole number?

One sixth is not a whole number. Expressed as a decimal, it is equal to 0.16 recurring (that is, 0.16666..)

One half plus one sixth equals?

1 whole

How many one sixth makes a quarter of a whole?

(1/4) / (1/6) = 1 and a 1/2.

How many twelfths in one sixth?

Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the tough math questions, huh? Well, technically, there are two twelfths in one sixth. It's like cutting a pizza slice into 12 pieces and then realizing you only want a tiny bit of it. Math can be a real buzzkill sometimes, right?

How many sixths make up one whole?

One whole is made up of six sixths. This is because when you divide a whole into six equal parts (sixths), each part represents one-sixth of the whole. Therefore, to make up one whole, you need six of these one-sixth parts.

How many slices are there in a Domino's extra-large pizza?

We just had one. It had ten slices and they were really big. You can ask them to make it as many slices you want.