

How many outcome for 2 dice?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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11y ago

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there are 36 outcomes when rolling 2 dice

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Q: How many outcome for 2 dice?
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How many outcome are possible in 2 dice?

6 sides x 6 sides = 36 outcomes

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Rolling a dice and getting an even number is an outcome. It is the result of rolling a dice.

How many numbers are there in 2 dice?

There are 21 dots on 1 dice so there are 42 in two dice

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For 3 you need 1+2, but for 5 you can have 1+4 or 2+3 so you have twice as many chances for 5.

When finding the outcome on a dice do you times the probability together?

yes you times it then simplify

What is the probability of rolling a prime number if you roll to dice at the same time?

Assuming that "to" should actually be "two", Since the outcome on each die is independent, Pr(Roll a prime when rolling two dice) = Pr(Roll a prime on a die)2 = (1/2)2 = 1/4

How many outcomes are there in the sample space of rolling 2 dice?

11 outcomes if the dice are indistinguishable, 36 otherwise.

What is the probability of rolling an odd number less than 11?

The answer depends on how many dice are rolled. With 12 or more dice, the answer is 0.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled. With 12 or more dice, the answer is 0.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled. With 12 or more dice, the answer is 0.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled. With 12 or more dice, the answer is 0.

How many dots are there on a dice?

A regular cubical dice has 21 dots. 1+2+3+4+5+6=21

A certain board game requires the roll of 3 standard dice to determine the outcome of a battle. What is the probability that at least one of the dice will show an even number?

It is 7/8.

How many dots are on a pair of 2 dice?

30... 40... 42!!